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October 2022 Meeting Highlights - The Linus Connection's 23rd Birthday Bash!

Updated: Jun 16, 2023

Every October we celebrate The Linus Connection's birthday with a Quilt Challenge and Silent Auction. All money raised goes to support The Linus Organization for our blanket making supplies, our storage unit, printing and office supplies and much much more!

The Challenge Fabric was a donation from Noelann Brown's estate and this Challenge is dedicated to her memory. Thank you to Osie for organizing the Challenge for the 18th year and thank you to all the volunteers who pitched in to make this happen!

Some of our newest blanket makers from the North American Taiwanese Women's Association shared a $500 donation from their group as well as $100 in personal donations. Thank you, ladies, we're delighted to have you as our volunteers!

Thank you to everyone who donated items, especially Hobbs Bonded Fibers for a roll of their wonderful 80/20 Heirloom Batting, and to all those wonderful individuals who donated items both large and small, baskets, and more, all to support our non-profit. Every single donation makes this happen!

Thanks also go out to Jennifer for organizing, and huge thanks to Sarah, Sheryl, Carol, & Susan for helping build 71 Silent Auction Baskets. Big thanks also to Suzanne and everyone else who helped us push through to the end!

The biggest thank you goes out to our bidders for always making this a fun event and for your continued support of The Linus Connection. ♥